Our Services

Our Journey to Loving Yourself Services Are: Coaching, Workshops, Retreats, Intuitive Messages from God  and Angels, Intuitive Consultations on Romance/Love, Health, Wealth, Angel Readings, Past Life Regression sessions being an Ambassador of Love.

Our Coaching Services are: Intuitive Consultations), Monthly Workshops Without Retreats and Workshops with Retreats.

Our Spiritual Services are: Channeled Prophetic Messages from God, Angel Readings, and Past Life Regression sessions.

Our monthly workshops focus on helping you grow yourself so the best version of you come forth. Our goal is to help you: “Take Back and Own Your Power to be an Extraordinary Person who who is Powerful,  Wealthy, Healthy, daily Radiates Love, live a Life full of Passion and Have Fulfilling Relationships.

Our Individual Coaching packages are designed to help you be your best self. We suggest our 1 year individual or 6 month coaching program to allow you to shift from an ordinary person to a person who, own their power, Love themselves Deeply and allow their Greatness to come forth and live in that place on a daily basis. When this happens Your Magnificence shines brightly; and your Goddess Self emerges for all the world to see.

Our spiritual services give the guidance you need to grow your personal power, eliminate the people, situations and things that have diminished your light, allowed you to play small, lacking Self-Approval   Self Love, Self Worth, feeling and acting Powerless, and pretending You do not Matter.

Three of our popular Spiritual Services are our: Channeled Prophetic Messages from God, Angel Reading, and Past Life Regression sessions. We suggest you explore all of our services. After going through our programs you will notice increased Personal Power, increased Self Value, Self Appreciation, Self Acceptance, increased Confidence in your People Skills and Relationships. Just know that Your Journey Through Life and Journey to Self Love will need to continue to evolve until the day you leave the planet.

Traditional Coaching can be booked on our website. Our other spiritual services are: Intuitive Consultations (sometimes referred to as a “Reading” because it taps into your “Divine Self” and you get a message from God or the Holy Spirit if the person giving the message is connected to the Holy Spirit.  We provide a mini and a two hour Angel Readings, and a two hour Past Life Regression or Reintegration Sessions.  Click on the link for these services Now!   online   

If you have a specific question and need a direct answer to a question you can get a 15 Minute Intuitive Consultation or Mini Angel Message Now for $97.00  online   

Get a Complimentary Self-Discovery Strategy Session Now with Dr. Ida Greene (Valued at $500). Click here to Complete This Form CompStrategyQuestions01.3.17 and schedule your appointment with Dr Ida.  Dr Ida is the Solution, Schedule Your Complimentary Strategy Session Today

Schedule Your Appointment:

We help you become a beacon of Light and Love that lifts and sustain you daily. We show you to get out of your way, to be your DIVINE Best self, shows up at all times to allow you to stand and walk in your Greater Self. unlock